Hi all...
I haven't been updating coz I haven't had the time / energy or heart to really write larh...
Updates on myself these while...
1) In school, it's the examinations period. So as expected, I'm done with invigilation, finished marking all papers, collated the marks, painstakingly stapled everyone's scripts together (from paper 1 to paper 3 inclusive of all question papers...), punched holes for everyone... So when we get back our scripts on Monday / Tuesday, it would be really FAST and can get down to checking answers real quickly.
Anyway, if you guys don't know, Monday, I'll be seeing 2-2, then 1-3, followed by 2-7, Tuesday, I'll be seeing 1-4. Basically, each session would last 1.5hours, inclusive of giving out of papers, checking marks and answers. So do bring your calculators... Don't wanna drag too much time.

2) Watched "If there're Seasons" once again on last Sunday and it was a blast. Love it love it love it. I simply love musicals and theatre performances. Ever mesmerizing. Will write an entry on it soon!

Last night, I watched "Little Miss Sunshine". Always wanted to watch the movie but never had the time. So I forced myself to finish the movie and I was really impressed by the simplicity of the story. It's so true about how imperfect our lives can be, yet we can make meaning out of it. Many lessons to be learned from the story. Is life only about winning and losing? What about those who don't win? Are they losers? Are people who lose never winners? A dysfunctional family, struggling to stay together. A little girl who has a dream. The crowd who is blinded by society norms. The family who stays cohesive til the end. Definitely a 5/5 movie! Which reminds me of Slumdog Millionaire. Another story about a simple person leading an extraordinary life. I shall go watch Juno soon.

Come think of it, all these stories seem to share common features... Dysfunctional families... Strong-willed individuals... People and things that can be found just around us... Cool beans.

3) About Show Luo. I watched Entertainment 100% last afternoon, last night and on Youtube. I don't know how the media / people would see his crying stint on his show. For 15 minutes, he spilled tears after baring his heart and soul, trying hard to defend himself and apologizing after the incident has gotten out of hand. (Go read the entertainment news / google to find out more.) Some may feel he's just trying to gain sympathy points from people. Some may feel he is Real and simply wanted someone to believe in him.

I belong to the latter. I really think he is a hardworking artiste. We are humans after all. We make mistakes. What is the big deal about this, you may ask. The big deal is, he is a public figure. So because he is 'public', he is supposed to keep his private life under wraps OR keep it untainted. I seriously don't think what he has done is so detrimental in any way. Why didn't people see it from the point that he was being betrayed? Imagine, you trust someone, pouring all your woes and eventually probably developed feelings for the someone, only to find out that everything was displayed in public. Someone decides your future for you. Someone washes your dirty linen out there. How devastated would you feel?
I feel for him. I really do. Why are there worse people out there whose news are not splashed across the newspapers? What about the unfaithful husbands / wives / boyfriends / girlfriends? What about the abusive spouses? What about the school bullies? What about the mistreated / underprivileged individuals? Come on! If the media people feel that they write what we like to read, why can't they think this way: we read what they write. If you twist facts, we won't read it either. I really hope he gets his justice. And for a record, I really hated the reporters who said how he used his mother to portray his good-boy image. I salute him for his filial piety. It's evident how he loves his mother and vice-versa. The media is plain mean to put him down when he's in the dumps right now.
Rawr. Furious.
Now that's another reason why I didn't want to become a journalist. Freedom of speech doesn't happen. Rather, we end up writing what we are made to write. Politically correct or sickeningly juicy news for the masses.
And so here I am to educate the young minds... Maybe that's a mission after all... My calling ya? Hm...
Peace out.