Please hand up all work by 27/02/09 (Friday) because I have to key in all your marks for Term one next week! Do help me and yourself... Let me mark everything during the weekends... I don't want to see anyone of you flunk your Chinese due to unsubmitted homework! Please refer to the list below:
1-3:应用文(二) [下个星期交理解问答(二)]
2-2:作文(二) [下个星期交应用文(二)]
2-7:作业(七) [下个星期交应用文(二)]
3-3:作文(二) [下个星期就不是我教了。。。 :( ]
如果没有交齐作业,term 1的分数会受影响!因为计算分数的方法如下:
测验 Tests:50%
作文/应用文 Essays/ Letters:40%
作业是否交齐/准时交 Class work:5%
上课态度 Attitude:5%

Well, I won't force upon you if you refuse to hand up your work. However I would think it's a pity to give up the chance to get more marks... Grab the opportunity while it lasts. Moreover, it's too costly to be hanging a pig's head in front of your class just to chase after your work. O$P$
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