Assignments to be due last week and yet not handed in on last Friday will suffer penalties as follows:
1) All book reviews not in by Friday would have half the marks deducted, ie, if you get 7/10, I will only award you 3.5. This is calculated as 10% of CA marks. Since you don't bother about your CA marks, I don't bother giving you marks either.
2) All essays (zuo wen 作文 / ying yong wen 应用文) not in by Friday would get 1 mark deducted for each late day. Since I don't go to school on Saturday and Sunday, that would be 2 marks deducted. When I get your book on Monday, it is 3 days late and there will be 3 marks deducted. Again, this is part of your CA marks, zuo wen and ying yong wen will take up 40% of your CA marks.
It's all up to your discretion to get marks to throw marks away.
I have done my best in helping you guys to get marks. But if you don't treasure my efforts or even try your best to help yourself, I can't help you.
Your attitude towards your work reflects your attitude towards life.
I hope these people change for the better.
And for the rest who have dutifully handed in your work, thank you. I appreciate it much. You've made life much easier for yourself and me. (:
For repeated offenders, I will start contacting your parents from next week onwards.

Mid Year Exams are approaching. If you don't sense the urgency, let me urge you to start studying. Secondary 1s, it's your first time having around 8 subjects at a go. Please start revisions early.
If you wish to change for the better, you still have time, don't wait til the last minute and cry over spilt milk.
People who have missed the deadlines, there will be no concessions. Like I've always said, this is not the pasar malam, you don't get discounts.
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