Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The blog is dead.

Well, now that MYE is over, we are less tensed up larh.

I hope peeps who have done well are happy and those who have not done as well will buck up. :)

Many things to say but dunno where to start from.

Will be a busy week ahead. 2-4, it's our CIP mission! Yea~~ I'm more tired than excited actually. After running around the school, seeking permission for this and that, talking to the bosses, very tiring de ok... especially when my staff room is on the 4th floor... I can't count how many times i've run up and down today.


Heh, by the way, i've replied to the tags. Take a look ba.

And, it's interesting how pple from diff classes (or as a matter of fact, diff schools, heh) are sharing one same tag board, talking abt different things, to one same person.

I like.

Will be back soon. Tata~~

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