Thursday, September 30, 2010

For 1-5

Here's the YouTube clip that we watched in class.

As I said, the teacher's words can be used in last paragraph for Situational essays to express your thoughts and feelings.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's YOU that I want

All I want for Christmas is YOU!

Who's gonna get this for me?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Of Happy Things

Before I begin, I went into 5-2 for relief class yesterday and a student said,

"I saw your blog."


Wah, how did this happen? Must be linked from blog to blog and ended up at mine...

Alright, the world's very small. Sometimes when you talk to A, you find that you have a common friend B, and with common friend B, you may have another common friend C. And the list goes on.

Exams are coming, babies, please study real hard, especially 2-4.

I understand you've bonded really well and sometimes you've too much distractions (eg, boy sitting next to you is too good-looking, girl sitting in front of you has hair too smooth and glossy, yea, you get my nonsensical drift) so much so you end up focusing on wrong things (eg, you don't see what my powerpoint slides read, but know what necklace and earrings I'm wearing).

Jia You! And treasure what's left in the remaining school term with your fellow classmates...

Back to my title...

I like popping by happy things's Tumblelog a lot. Loves.

Earlier on, I saw this... And I'm totally in love with it...

Man... How surreal is this?

Many more happy pictures to share... for now, this will be it... :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rich man or Char Kway Teow man?

Today, on my way back home, I recalled what Poh Kian Yee from class 1-3'09 asked me one fine day.

He said, "Yelaoshi, if there're two men, one's a rich man, but doesn't love you that much; another sells char kway teow, not rich but loves you very much, who would you choose?"

I laughed and asked him, "Why must he sell char kway teow?" He didn't give me a reason but insisted that I answer him.

Why can't there be a choice with someone who is rich and loves me much? Of course, this is the most ideal combination but I do understand that life is full of imperfections.

Just that... understanding is one thing, when it comes to practicality versus emotions, it becomes sticky.

A year ago, I couldn't answer Kian Yee. In fact, I went home and laughed about it with Mom but both of us still couldn't come up with an answer.

A year later, while reminded of the scenario he posted me back then, I still can't come up with a proper answer.

What are your views?

Share them with me in the following poll or post under comments 'coz I'm really curious...

Rich man or Char Kway Teow man?
I'll choose the rich man.
I'll choose the char kway teow man.
I'll choose none. free polls





只是... 这种爱情/面包的问题的确有点棘手。


