Yesterday, I saw two students whose hands were bandaged til they appear like Doraemon's... Hehe...

Well, of course not as round as Doraemon's hand but once I saw the injured hands, I can't help but ask,
"Whacked people uh?"
I know I'm kinda terrible, I don't send consolations first yet I made such assumptions. C'mon, it's not difficult to associate injuries with fights right?

Kevin是我在回家的途中遇到的,伤势显然比Edwin的严重(& “新鲜”!),还有些许血迹在指头上。
I can't remember what Edwin said, but it's definitely not fighting and his friends found his reason of getting injured pretty funny too.
I met Kevin on my way home and very obviously, his injury was far more serious than Edwin's and blood stains are still visible on his fingers. Upon questioning, I derive that the reason behind the injury was "impulsive".
Sigh. Take care of yourself, treasure yourself! I'm sure there are many people around you who care for you!
A gift for our impulsive Kevin:

Haha... How's this?
*The last I saw of Kevin, his left eye was swollen as well... =.=" One injured left hand, one injured left eye. Don't hurt your right hand too or you'll REALLY look like Doraemon!*

Oh, and please please please take care of your hand or your injury will get infected! No point being a blind + handicapped hero right? :D
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