My dear students, please remember to bring your thermometers (ODT) to school every single day as mass temperature exercises may be carried out anytime during such a high-alert period. Moreover, a formal temperature taking exercise would be carried out on coming Monday, 4 April 2009, during reading period.
I understand that some of you are not aware of how deadly this virus is, thus you may still be fooling around and not taking this matter seriously. Go read it up. Google it. Then you will be surprised at the severity of the situation now!
Meanwhile, take care of yourself and make sure you down loads of fluids. The weather is suffering terrible mood swings of late. One moment it's sweltering hot, the next moment torrential downpours take us by surprise. If you do fall sick, please see the doctor and don't come to school! It's a very sensitive period... We don't wanna cause too much anxiety, right?
Let's pray hard that the situation doesn't get any worse... ...
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