Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fly Me To The Stars

*I was told that I haven't been updating. So I must update, somehow, even if it means I sleep lesser...*

Tuesday night.

I haven't been out at night since i-don't-know-when. Thanks to my dear, 我终于摆脱宅女形象!

Dinner's good. The last time we came here, one of the sides (and supposedly the best one) was unavailable and this time, they have it! Yay. Sizzling good. (:

I think this is what we saw that night. We saw the star logo, didn't we?

Training our eyesight was so fun you teared. Hahaha...

The next time we intend to play the guessing game again, I guess we better study hard here first. :P

Was an enjoyable night out as per other chilling out nights. (: Thanks dear!

Next up, Astronomy class!

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