Monday, August 24, 2009

Take Things in Stride

I'm feeling it.

The gripping monster pouncing upon me.

So Not Good.


THE syndrome.

Restless and rest-less (as suggested by KS).

My mind's in the Energizer-Hyper-Bunny mode, if you get what I mean. Brain activity going on non stop even when my eye-lids yearn for some snooze.

Whispering ever softly into my ears are words of pseudo-hypnotic effects:

Take things in stride.

Okay okay. I get it.

Ought to round up the sheep / goats / lambs / whatever farm animals to count as I sing myself a lil' lullaby to lalaland.


This is a totally random yet not so random entry.

What am I saying?

Double Puh.

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