Monday, September 28, 2009


Flooble died on me, somehow.

Have the new cbox on the left.

So you guys can continue having mass chat. But remember, leave your names and no vulgarities / finger-pointing!!

Besides, you may choose to 'follow' my blog. The link is somewhere below the cbox.

Haven't been blogging much, but i've been Plurking a lot...

Join Plurk and be part of my 'community' ba!! (:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Matchmaking session

I don't know what got into the minds of my 2-2 babies.

When I stepped into the class...


(Teacher, you're going for a matchmaking session later?)


What do you think you should wear on a first date?

Like how I wore? HM... That is interesting.

Dress - top: black lycra; bottom: mini black polka dots on white cotton.
Belt- brass buckled, black elastic, vintage
Necklace - vintage owl
Earrings- gold, pearl, bronze etc assorted beads dangling
Hair - a handful twisted and pinned to the right

Lol. So I shall remember to look like this on my first date next time, if it ever materialises.

When asked why I should be going for a matchmaking session after school, this is the response I got:

"You look unique like this mah."

You guys sure make me laugh.


EOY 2009's fast approaching, especially for the language papers. Will be doing intensive revision so please be good and revise more at home. Xie Xie.

Flooble's dead.

I have been trying to revive Flooble, the chatbox.

It has been dead for a while.

I'll try CPR and see if it can be saved.


Thursday, September 10, 2009


While there are loansharks who use the O$P$ acronym, I use O HW P HW.

There are still certain individuals, whom I shall not name to protect your identity, not handing up the SUPER OVERDUE Chinese essay from the various classes (except 1-3, everyone has handed up).

I am majorly upset.

Thanks to Vernon, I've gotten 2 more essays from 1-4. (:

I'm trying my best to finish marking all because we need to clear one more essay (at least) and one more letter writing when school reopens... And we've got no time. I still have to prepare the Sec 1s for Oral exams + Written exams, we still have a class test in week 2. Final exams are in week 3. There is so much going on yet there's so little time.

I am devastated.

I'm trying so hard but are you?


E Blaze

Finished the E blaze homework?

Darlings, please finish them asap!!

Counted in Term Assessment 4!!!