Thursday, September 17, 2009

Matchmaking session

I don't know what got into the minds of my 2-2 babies.

When I stepped into the class...


(Teacher, you're going for a matchmaking session later?)


What do you think you should wear on a first date?

Like how I wore? HM... That is interesting.

Dress - top: black lycra; bottom: mini black polka dots on white cotton.
Belt- brass buckled, black elastic, vintage
Necklace - vintage owl
Earrings- gold, pearl, bronze etc assorted beads dangling
Hair - a handful twisted and pinned to the right

Lol. So I shall remember to look like this on my first date next time, if it ever materialises.

When asked why I should be going for a matchmaking session after school, this is the response I got:

"You look unique like this mah."

You guys sure make me laugh.

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