Thursday, September 10, 2009


While there are loansharks who use the O$P$ acronym, I use O HW P HW.

There are still certain individuals, whom I shall not name to protect your identity, not handing up the SUPER OVERDUE Chinese essay from the various classes (except 1-3, everyone has handed up).

I am majorly upset.

Thanks to Vernon, I've gotten 2 more essays from 1-4. (:

I'm trying my best to finish marking all because we need to clear one more essay (at least) and one more letter writing when school reopens... And we've got no time. I still have to prepare the Sec 1s for Oral exams + Written exams, we still have a class test in week 2. Final exams are in week 3. There is so much going on yet there's so little time.

I am devastated.

I'm trying so hard but are you?


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