Saturday, August 14, 2010

i'm here to post because zizi requested to.

Pretty Zizi misses my posts. *sniffs* touched seh.

As some of you may have known, I had been down with fever - flu - flu - fever. Yes Fever is back. Now i'm running a 38.2 or more. Three days ago was 38.6. I puked last night. My running nose won't come back no matter how hard i chase it. My blocked nose likes to remain stuffed especially when I'm lying down. My sore throat remain sore despite drinking weird concoctions. My headache plagues me as and when it likes. I'm coughing so much I'm feeling giddy every now and then.

I think my symptoms have a mind of their own.

They are controlling me.

They are overtaking me.

They are taking over my body, my senses, my mind.

Now, don't you think I'm becoming crazy rather than sick?

I can't go out.

Can't do anything.

Even sleeping is a problem.

I'll stay in bed and watch catch-up tv on

Add in some more hair and I look like that.

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