Monday, October 26, 2009
holidays approaching!
Sch holidays are fast approaching!! YAY!!
Aren't you guys excited? 2 months of fun (or boredom for some) and crazy change of bio-clock.
I'm excited, for this is the first holiday I'm having as a full-fledged teacher. Ever since joining the service, time has passed so fast and January seemed like yesterday. (:
I'm loving every bit of time I have spent with my lovelies from the various classes and if I ever teach you guys next year, we'll have a blast in 2010 too!
Meanwhile, any recommendations on what you guys would like to see during CL lessons in future? Tag me!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Have the new cbox on the left.
So you guys can continue having mass chat. But remember, leave your names and no vulgarities / finger-pointing!!
Besides, you may choose to 'follow' my blog. The link is somewhere below the cbox.
Haven't been blogging much, but i've been Plurking a lot...
Join Plurk and be part of my 'community' ba!! (:
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Matchmaking session
When I stepped into the class...
(Teacher, you're going for a matchmaking session later?)
What do you think you should wear on a first date?
Like how I wore? HM... That is interesting.
Dress - top: black lycra; bottom: mini black polka dots on white cotton.
Belt- brass buckled, black elastic, vintage
Necklace - vintage owl
Earrings- gold, pearl, bronze etc assorted beads dangling
Hair - a handful twisted and pinned to the right
Lol. So I shall remember to look like this on my first date next time, if it ever materialises.
When asked why I should be going for a matchmaking session after school, this is the response I got:
"You look unique like this mah."
You guys sure make me laugh.
Flooble's dead.
It has been dead for a while.
I'll try CPR and see if it can be saved.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
There are still certain individuals, whom I shall not name to protect your identity, not handing up the SUPER OVERDUE Chinese essay from the various classes (except 1-3, everyone has handed up).
I am majorly upset.
Thanks to Vernon, I've gotten 2 more essays from 1-4. (:
I'm trying my best to finish marking all because we need to clear one more essay (at least) and one more letter writing when school reopens... And we've got no time. I still have to prepare the Sec 1s for Oral exams + Written exams, we still have a class test in week 2. Final exams are in week 3. There is so much going on yet there's so little time.
I am devastated.
I'm trying so hard but are you?
E Blaze
Darlings, please finish them asap!!
Counted in Term Assessment 4!!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
ALERT: All 1-3, 1-4, 2-2 and 2-7 CL class students
Please complete the following survey:
(click to access link or copy and paste on browser)
Password: survey
Do complete the survey by this weekend or it will be closed! Statistics got to be tallied at the end of the week so please remember to visit the above site. Please help to remind your classmates about this.
Thank you very much.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Take Things in Stride
The gripping monster pouncing upon me.
So Not Good.
THE syndrome.
Restless and rest-less (as suggested by KS).
My mind's in the Energizer-Hyper-Bunny mode, if you get what I mean. Brain activity going on non stop even when my eye-lids yearn for some snooze.
Whispering ever softly into my ears are words of pseudo-hypnotic effects:
Okay okay. I get it.
Ought to round up the sheep / goats / lambs / whatever farm animals to count as I sing myself a lil' lullaby to lalaland.
This is a totally random yet not so random entry.
What am I saying?
Double Puh.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Fly Me To The Stars
Tuesday night.
I haven't been out at night since i-don't-know-when. Thanks to my dear, 我终于摆脱宅女形象!
Dinner's good. The last time we came here, one of the sides (and supposedly the best one) was unavailable and this time, they have it! Yay. Sizzling good. (:

I think this is what we saw that night. We saw the star logo, didn't we?

Training our eyesight was so fun you teared. Hahaha...

The next time we intend to play the guessing game again, I guess we better study hard here first. :P
Was an enjoyable night out as per other chilling out nights. (: Thanks dear!

Next up, Astronomy class!
Been almost 1 month
Had been so busy in Term 3. National Orals, Sec 2 CIP to deal with (now it's finally finished!), daily marking, events etc...
Upcoming event would be the Mid Autumn Festival Celebration. Hope my darlings would be coming to join us for some fun...
Meanwhile, hand in all homework~~ CA marks to be keyed in by next week!! So I will be chasing for homework all week round!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
o'Naggy me


Hi kiddos,
If you haven't completed your e-learning, please do so by 8pm tonight. Marks would be counted towards CA results in Term 4.
In case you're in holiday mood due to the upcoming long weekend next week... Here's the homework for the weekend. Hehe...
1-3: To complete artwork of Banban's house along with at least 3 colors.
1-4: To complete essay. (If you haven't downloaded the file I told you to, refer to my previous post for the weblink.)
2-7: To complete reflection for article on "Cheating".
2-2: Homework to be given on Monday.
Well well, have a pleasant weekend! (even with my homework)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Phrases for Narrative Writing - People
Dear 2-7 peeps,
Here's the file I promised you for your Narrative Writing.
This is good stuff.
Definitely a keeper.
Click here to download.
Password: my surname (in lower case) --> don't you tell me you don't know my surname...
Do let me know if you run into any problems.
对了我还看到超级漂亮的Love Tank!

Hi all, miss me?
I bet not. :P
Anyway, I had been busy and lazy, thus the hiatus.
Today, I had a school trip with International students to National Museum.
And at the front of the museum, stands this display called the Love Tank. It's awesome I tell you. Go take a look and take some shots of it. Pretty thing!
Not only is it pink (oooo...), it has heart shaped turret (awww...)!
Lovely, ain't it?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Watch til you drop
And so this long weekend = lots of movies and variety shows and what nots.
Very brainless post ahead. So no translation. (:
Let's see what I've completed in these 3 days...
1) Pink Panther 2. Friend told me how hilarious it was when it was released. Didn't catch it in the cinemas and so I told myself to watch it no matter what. Oh well, it's quite a 'blah' show, rather funny and that's about it.
2) Marley and Me. That is a good one. Marley is cute, story starts off being funny and ends off being a tear-jerker. I like it. (:
3) 1 episode of Beautiful Cooking 2 (only). Reason being I finished all other 11 episodes of season 2 and 18 episodes of season 1 a week ago. Tee Hee.
4) 6 episodes of Shi Jie Zheng Mei Li (4 on Hokkaido and 2 on Hong Kong). I love travelogues / food shows / dramas. They rock my socks. Yeah.
5) Confessions of a Shopaholic. Deh. I don't like it. I am a fan of Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series. I finished every single book and I love how bimbotic the story is (oops) and obviously the plot was alluring. Not the movie. Bleah. Characters had no erm... character. Plot was mediocre. Eww...
6) Bolt. Cool stuff. Animations can hardly go wrong. This shall stay. And shall be used to entertain you guys when we've got extra time on hand. *claps*
7) 1 episode of Shi Jie Na Me Da (Brazil). Another travelogue. The host is cute. Heh~
Time check: 3.49pm.
List to be updated.
And kiddos, I hope you've finished your homework I've assigned you so far... Essays for everyone and also the holiday homework that is overdue! See you guys tomorrow.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
It's been 3 days
No matter how great your company is...
No matter how hyper and crazy everyone is...
I have to say:
2 hours of badminton is tiring enough.
3 hours of badminton is downright insane.
In case you are curious regarding my title, I'm still recovering over my aching body after 3 hours of grueling but madly fun badminton session with the boys 3 days ago.
*curses under breath*
(psssst, let's try it again...)
Monday, June 15, 2009

This is one of their... pretty normal pictures taken from my trusty old MBP last year. We see Faith, Cassiopea, Shawn, Hong Liang and Wei Ming here...
For some crazy ones... They look like this:

It's pretty amazing how I only taught them for 10 weeks (practicum) and yet we could hit it off so well and kept contact til now.
Anyway, I hope everyone has been doing really well... I've enjoyed myself talking rubbish with these boys (and also causing my blog to be polluted by their nonsensical messages. Gah.) and I hope you've benefited from the past 2 sessions.
To my current 4B darlings, do well for N levels and may you pursue your dreams in future! Stay cheery, chirpy and fun-loving~~~
Sunday, June 14, 2009
拜六礼拜 打得很HIGH!
偏题了,总之,这场Aviva羽毛球赛事的确有看头!当然,也有不错看的男羽球好手!^_^ 27岁的泰国选手Boonsak Ponsana,挺不赖的。虽然最终得了第二名,但我很欣赏他的运动员精神,不论胜败,总是笑脸宜人。
And so my weekend was spent at home staring at the TV, watching Aviva Badminton Championship.
For the lack of time and mainly due to my own laziness, I hardly get to play sports on working days (on top of being quite a sports idiot). Well, I don't know much about sports, but I do know that I don't mind badminton, swimming and running. Oh, and how about Wii Sports? Hehe...
I had a pleasant time watching the men and women fighting for their places with zest and zeal. Of course, even more so when there's an eye candy in the crowd. 27 year-old Thai player, Boonsak Ponsana is the sportsman who caught my eye. (laughs) I think, it's more than his boyish charm and spectacular moves that make me go weak on my knees. I love how he keeps his smile going even when he's on a losing streak. Sportsmanship to the max, I say.
This applies to studying too. Like playing sports, you reap what you sow when studying. And sometimes, even if you may have put in your best, you still may not get your desired results. This is when you got to pick yourself up, smile and keep going. Yea?
So, how was your weekend?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Saving Gaia
Gaia in Greek means "Earth" and is synonymous with "Mother Earth".
Saving the earth, protecting our environment is everybody's responsibility and even a mission.

同学们最近有没有看到电视上播放的Saving Gaia广告?
Have you seen the Saving Gaia ad on TV recently?
老师也到 去立下誓约,参与保护地球的行动!很简单的,你只需要说一说你能如何拯救地球!
Well, I have gone to recently to take my pledge! It's simple, all you have to do is pledge what you want to do to save Mother Earth.
It seems a great deal to be 'saving earth' but think of it this way, no matter how small your efforts, as long as you are willing to make small changes in your daily life, the world would definitely be a better place!
Take a look at the screener clip below and you will realise that even an act of throwing your old clothes away is causing harm to Mother Earth!
Those interested may leave a comment and tell me what you can do for Mother Earth!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
- 昕依,给你留言了。对不起,太迟才答复!
- 谢谢同学们的发言,那些还没留言的同学,请记得留言ok!
- 六月假期作业,同学们开始做了吗?如果忘记了,我近期会再发帖子,进一步说明。简略说一说:假期作业包括(a)E Learning @ E Blaze (b)2份阅读报告 (c)1份剪报 (d)[快捷课程的同学]《小猪上学记》的观后感(留言)
- 同学们有任何难题,请随时在tagboard留言!
- 还有,假期愉快!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
小猪上学记 School Days With A Pig


- 看了《小猪上学记》后,你有什么感受?
- 你觉得星老师要学生养小猪,有什么用意?
- 养大小猪再把它吃掉,会不会对孩子们太残忍了?
- 如果你是6年2班的学生,你会做什么决定?
请各位同学点击COMMENTS来留言(不限字数)。由于总共会有39名学生留言,你们一定要留下姓名与班级,以方便我确认! 谢谢!
Dear students of 1-4 and 2-7,
Here's the place to submit your comment (your online assignment) after watching "School Days With A Pig". Note that you ought to reply in CHINESE, not English, not hanyu pinyin or they will not be counted! Questions are as above. IF you cannot see the text, please leave a message on the TAGBOARD or find your friends to do it together. All submissions are to be done in the COMMENTS area, not the tagboard! Click on COMMENTS and remember to leave your name and class behind when you submit your work!
Thank you!

Edit: 6.20pm
Sunday, May 24, 2009
你爱我吗? I love you, not.
When I was in Secondary school, we don't fall in love. We have crushes, we have innocent puppy love, or simply just a severe case of LIKE. Now, children as young as primary 5 hold hands. o.0 Needless to say, Secondary school children can even be more experienced in the department of love than me, though I would like to believe that I'm far more rational and matured now.

Of course, I underwent the same course as many of you but it was definitely after Secondary school that I properly had my first taste of love. I used to quiz my Secondary 2 (now Secondary 3) student cum friend cum 'brother', "So next time when you get married, how are you going to tell your wife about how many girlfriends you've had? Or, who will be your REAL first love?" He laughed and said he really didn't think of this so he could not answer me.

Then, in the midst of changing boyfriends and girlfriends, there will inevitably be the cause of the soured relationship. Of course, there are some ridiculous one who simply break off because the "feel" is no longer there. Others engage in various degrees of quarrels, fights and tear-jerking moments. I feel you, if you come to me and cry or you tell me how things aren't working anymore. I know how it feels. Been there, done that.

“It takes two hands to make a clap”. Well, it does in a relationship. Humans are social animals as they would always need love, company, attention, fulfillment of their needs and so on.
It takes a two way communication process in order to maintain a harmonious relationship. There is no such thing as a one-way love although it may happen in a certain stage of a relationship. Sooner or later, the party would be burnt out. Everyone would like to love and be loved. No one would like a monotonous relationship where both are doing their personal things without any communication all the time. Would you?
‘Opposites attract’. It is this very reason that a man is attracted to a woman and vice versa. (Probably not all the time, but let's just say it happens most of the time.) There is no doubt in my mind that the perfect couple does quarrel. (Which refers to any of you in a relationship.)
There times when you may feel like knocking your head against the wall because she refuses to see that what you say is right and no matter what apology is something that only you have to do, yet you can't part with your pride to do so. Right, this is said in a girl's viewpoint but I really think "sorry" is a powerful word that can pacify an angry soul and soften a terribly upset heart.
As the saying goes, ‘teeth and tongue will meet’, so yes, couples will quarrel and have disagreements but they should be committed to finding a solution or at least a middle ground from which to sort their problems out. Love cannot sustain itself… It takes work. Couples need to appreciate each other and celebrate their differences as well as their commonalities. Granted that things may get boring after some time. Reminisce about the ‘good old days’ when your love was ‘brand new’.
There's no shortcut to this "game" of love, with rules ever-changing and unexpected twists and turns.
Even though I still don't think it's the right time to fall in love, after all, all of you are too young and can hardly be sure of what you exactly want, plus things do change in the future... I still hope you can try your utmost best to make miracles. Make it or break it, it is just a thin line away. Embrace love while you both can for it is too late for regrets should things get way out of hand and beyond cure...
For the rest who are not engaged in a BGR, you can still love! Celebrate love. Be it love of your boyfriend / girlfriend, of your family, of your friends... And you'll be surprised how it may change your life...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I've still been busy even though the examinations are over.
Work review, competition preparations, meetings, Parents-Teacher Conference... Just one more week. Gotta keep going til then!
Bet all of you are enjoying life to the max now. Ha, enjoy while it lasts, June holidays would be 'fun-filled' with holiday assignments, I assure you! Lol...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
乐 忧
Friday, May 15, 2009
Random updates & thoughts about Show
Hi all...
I haven't been updating coz I haven't had the time / energy or heart to really write larh...
Updates on myself these while...
1) In school, it's the examinations period. So as expected, I'm done with invigilation, finished marking all papers, collated the marks, painstakingly stapled everyone's scripts together (from paper 1 to paper 3 inclusive of all question papers...), punched holes for everyone... So when we get back our scripts on Monday / Tuesday, it would be really FAST and can get down to checking answers real quickly.
Anyway, if you guys don't know, Monday, I'll be seeing 2-2, then 1-3, followed by 2-7, Tuesday, I'll be seeing 1-4. Basically, each session would last 1.5hours, inclusive of giving out of papers, checking marks and answers. So do bring your calculators... Don't wanna drag too much time.

2) Watched "If there're Seasons" once again on last Sunday and it was a blast. Love it love it love it. I simply love musicals and theatre performances. Ever mesmerizing. Will write an entry on it soon!

Last night, I watched "Little Miss Sunshine". Always wanted to watch the movie but never had the time. So I forced myself to finish the movie and I was really impressed by the simplicity of the story. It's so true about how imperfect our lives can be, yet we can make meaning out of it. Many lessons to be learned from the story. Is life only about winning and losing? What about those who don't win? Are they losers? Are people who lose never winners? A dysfunctional family, struggling to stay together. A little girl who has a dream. The crowd who is blinded by society norms. The family who stays cohesive til the end. Definitely a 5/5 movie! Which reminds me of Slumdog Millionaire. Another story about a simple person leading an extraordinary life. I shall go watch Juno soon.

Come think of it, all these stories seem to share common features... Dysfunctional families... Strong-willed individuals... People and things that can be found just around us... Cool beans.

3) About Show Luo. I watched Entertainment 100% last afternoon, last night and on Youtube. I don't know how the media / people would see his crying stint on his show. For 15 minutes, he spilled tears after baring his heart and soul, trying hard to defend himself and apologizing after the incident has gotten out of hand. (Go read the entertainment news / google to find out more.) Some may feel he's just trying to gain sympathy points from people. Some may feel he is Real and simply wanted someone to believe in him.

I belong to the latter. I really think he is a hardworking artiste. We are humans after all. We make mistakes. What is the big deal about this, you may ask. The big deal is, he is a public figure. So because he is 'public', he is supposed to keep his private life under wraps OR keep it untainted. I seriously don't think what he has done is so detrimental in any way. Why didn't people see it from the point that he was being betrayed? Imagine, you trust someone, pouring all your woes and eventually probably developed feelings for the someone, only to find out that everything was displayed in public. Someone decides your future for you. Someone washes your dirty linen out there. How devastated would you feel?
I feel for him. I really do. Why are there worse people out there whose news are not splashed across the newspapers? What about the unfaithful husbands / wives / boyfriends / girlfriends? What about the abusive spouses? What about the school bullies? What about the mistreated / underprivileged individuals? Come on! If the media people feel that they write what we like to read, why can't they think this way: we read what they write. If you twist facts, we won't read it either. I really hope he gets his justice. And for a record, I really hated the reporters who said how he used his mother to portray his good-boy image. I salute him for his filial piety. It's evident how he loves his mother and vice-versa. The media is plain mean to put him down when he's in the dumps right now.
Rawr. Furious.
Now that's another reason why I didn't want to become a journalist. Freedom of speech doesn't happen. Rather, we end up writing what we are made to write. Politically correct or sickeningly juicy news for the masses.
And so here I am to educate the young minds... Maybe that's a mission after all... My calling ya? Hm...
Peace out.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I just came back home not too long ago... Hee, been a long time since I returned home during the wee hours. We watched a movie, sat by the beach, star-gazed, relax in the car and listen to songs while watching the rain pitter-patter away...
I like the comfort and company throughout the night, though I have this thing for stoning away and enjoy little wonders of nature in my own queer way. :X
Gotta catch some sleep soon. My darlings who have read this entry, c'mon, say "Happy Birthday, KS!" at the tagboard! Lovely wishes are meant for all lovely people!
Monday, May 4, 2009
How well do you know your family? + misc
Well, I hope everyone of you has done so...
Today's Baby Blues comic reminded me of the contact information we required...

Cute uh? CIA agent...
Anyhow, today's insanely chaotic due to the two temperature taking sessions. I'm sure lessons were disrupted and loads of hassle was required to mobilise the students to the infirmary area. Being part of the Warden Group, I was assigned to be the Sec 2 I/C. Rawr... If there were less students without ODTs we could have finished this temperature-taking exercise much faster!
Get your own thermometers! We'll still be conducting the exercise throughout the examinations period. If you don't want to be late for your exams and not be given any grace, kindly purchase one...
Meanwhile, study hard!! All the very very best to all my darlings of 1-3, 1-4, 2-2, 2-7 and not forgetting 3-3! (And also to my chinese drama kids... (: )

Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Pigs Attack

My dear students, please remember to bring your thermometers (ODT) to school every single day as mass temperature exercises may be carried out anytime during such a high-alert period. Moreover, a formal temperature taking exercise would be carried out on coming Monday, 4 April 2009, during reading period.
I understand that some of you are not aware of how deadly this virus is, thus you may still be fooling around and not taking this matter seriously. Go read it up. Google it. Then you will be surprised at the severity of the situation now!
Meanwhile, take care of yourself and make sure you down loads of fluids. The weather is suffering terrible mood swings of late. One moment it's sweltering hot, the next moment torrential downpours take us by surprise. If you do fall sick, please see the doctor and don't come to school! It's a very sensitive period... We don't wanna cause too much anxiety, right?
Let's pray hard that the situation doesn't get any worse... ...
Thus I will indulge in multiple entries and random ramblings! (: Oh, and probably some senseless tagging... :P
Tomorrow's Labour Day and ironically, we gotta labour on labour day. You guys gotta see how much marking teachers bring home today.
"Mark Mark Mark" shall be our Motto.
For you guys, "Mug Mug Mug" shall be it for the meantime...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

希望同学们都快马加鞭,在这几天努力学习,在考试获取好成绩,那你们有望参与 Achievers' Tea 而不是 Panel Meeting!
MYE is fast approaching!
I have been doing revisions with all of you, on the format of informal letter writing, points to note when writing essays and comprehension techniques. Also, we've been doing filing and I'm glad to note that some students are very vigilant and conscientious in their work. I especially thank 2-2 for cooperating very well with me to have brought all your files. However, please remember to bring the notes tomorrow so we can file them in accordingly. As for those who haven't prepared your files, please do so asap so as to prepare for the annual file check.
I hope all of you buck up and do well for the MYE so you would be attending the Achievers' Tea instead of the Panel Meeting! All the best!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Laughter's the best medicine
I looked up and went, "Ah?"
He left a sheepish grin and said, "Nah."
Well, I heard clearly what he had previously said and so I replied,
"I heard that..."
*both of us laughed*
"I like that!"
*both of us laughed harder*
A very short conversation, but laughter aplenty.
I love moments like this. Simple and yet so refreshing.
Friday, April 24, 2009
About Love 爱
To Kelvin: Hi dude, how're you and her now? I hope things are better... That day when I saw you with your friends, my comment "Congrats" wasn't meant to be an insult. I meant "Not again"... Things happen for a reason. Find the reason. Fix it. May things work out... (:
To Andy (Lau): Hi Crapper, I'm really happy to hear about you and my penguin. Take good care of my penguin or I will kick you. Keep her happy, keep her safe. Feed her raisins too. 我,真的看好你们。
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Long Time No See 好久不见
It's been a long time since I even came to my site...
HIIII to Kevin (yay, this is one big fan! haha...), Caifang, Yingyi and Jackson!! Gotta say hi to you guys coz i don't get to see you often!! As for my other students, aiya, laoshi will see you 3-4 times a week, so no need to specify name right? :P
Thanks for dropping by now and then to keep the conversation going.
Anyway, I really had been terribly busy.
First there was SYF, which took up many weeks of my time in seeing to administrative matters, making props... Thankfully, we came back with a Bronze award, well, it's not bad for a first-timer in SYF! Congrats!
In the midst of it all, we had our chinese common tests...
Then there was Flag day where I joined three 3-3 girls on a really fun journey!
After which I administered essay tests (mock exam) and now I will have to mark until I drop!
And also in the midst of these all, I attended a concert - the Lee brothers along with Show, Jolin, Daniel, Jam etc... Not too bad gig, at least I get to see Luo Zhi Xiang and Xiao Jing Teng... Oh and Chen Xiao Dong... Haha, that made me quite happy... Tee Hee Hee... I also attended the musical "If There're Seasons". Simply mesmorizing. Any of you watched 天冷就回来? I think it's a GREAT performance So, I AM GOING TO WATCH A 2ND TIME!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Besta All Pass-1
Do you find yourself using the wrong chinese characters all the time?
Do you think the conventional dictionary too bulky and heavy?
Do you wish to learn new chinese characters on the go?
However, do you feel that the electronic dictionaries are rather

In baby blue...

& my personal favourite, in baby Pink!!
You see, your electronic dictionary can get as bubblegum cute as you want it to be!
Find me for more information (I've the ad in paper form... along with several other models on a great discount!) or visit the website for specifications!

Friday, April 3, 2009
Yesterday, I saw two students whose hands were bandaged til they appear like Doraemon's... Hehe...


Oh, and please please please take care of your hand or your injury will get infected! No point being a blind + handicapped hero right? :D
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
同学们,如果你们有故事想分享,可以点击‘comments’,留下信息,或直接到 去写故事。
I'm just kind of tired and not in the mood to do anything.
So here you go.
A very nonsensical post with nothing substantial.
I really should get down to marking my four classes of zuo wen and ying yong wens.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Penalty

Assignments to be due last week and yet not handed in on last Friday will suffer penalties as follows:
1) All book reviews not in by Friday would have half the marks deducted, ie, if you get 7/10, I will only award you 3.5. This is calculated as 10% of CA marks. Since you don't bother about your CA marks, I don't bother giving you marks either.
2) All essays (zuo wen 作文 / ying yong wen 应用文) not in by Friday would get 1 mark deducted for each late day. Since I don't go to school on Saturday and Sunday, that would be 2 marks deducted. When I get your book on Monday, it is 3 days late and there will be 3 marks deducted. Again, this is part of your CA marks, zuo wen and ying yong wen will take up 40% of your CA marks.
It's all up to your discretion to get marks to throw marks away.
I have done my best in helping you guys to get marks. But if you don't treasure my efforts or even try your best to help yourself, I can't help you.
Your attitude towards your work reflects your attitude towards life.
I hope these people change for the better.
And for the rest who have dutifully handed in your work, thank you. I appreciate it much. You've made life much easier for yourself and me. (:
For repeated offenders, I will start contacting your parents from next week onwards.

Mid Year Exams are approaching. If you don't sense the urgency, let me urge you to start studying. Secondary 1s, it's your first time having around 8 subjects at a go. Please start revisions early.
If you wish to change for the better, you still have time, don't wait til the last minute and cry over spilt milk.
People who have missed the deadlines, there will be no concessions. Like I've always said, this is not the pasar malam, you don't get discounts.