Wednesday, February 25, 2009

To 3-3

Time check: 1.29pm

And I've just returned to the staff room, after administering the class test to you guys.

Due to overwhelming responses, here I am writing in English for those who are too lazy to check up the dictionary or use the google translator to translate the chunk of text.

Dear 3-3 babes and hunks,

it's not been a really long time since I know you guys. Merely 2 months but I have to say, I will miss all of you after I hand your class to another teacher.

It hasn't been a smooth-sailing route for me, with peeps who ain't interested in class, boys who are only interested in games and girls (ahem), some who are more engrossed in sleeping than in my lessons... I do have mixed feelings at times of such. I start doubting my abilities and I wonder what I have done to enhance your learning experience.

That said, it brings to the point that, life is as such. There are many 'exceptions' in life and we just got to accept it. Like, there are people who are genuinely interested in studying, with the exception of a few. There are many 'buts' in life too and no matter how tough it may seem, we still got to press on. Like, I want to study, but I'm simply too tired / no mood today.

I do understand all the problems. Well, maybe you may say I don't. If I don't, enlighten me. Guide me to know your inner world.

My main point is, I don't judge you guys, no matter what others think about you. Crude jokes and unpolished languages aside, I still find all of you a lovable bunch.

Don't hesitate to find me if you have problems. I may not be teaching you anymore but I'm still around. Drop me a message / leave your 'shou ji' in my pigeon hole / talk to me along the corridors. I'm always here for you.

Have a wonderful learning journey ahead... Be good... Listen to the new teacher taking over me... Do your best in everything... Don't give up...

All the best for your future endeavours!

With lots of love,


:( I just finished marking the papers... My dearest 3-3 friends ah...

What can I say? The marks... sigh... are... terrible larh!!


It's a pretty depressing parting gift for me... ... ...

And if you see this post, remind one another to hand in your last essay to me...

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