Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Pigs Attack

Following the Swine Flu hitting lovely Earth fast and furious, all of us are on our toes. I just talked to my aunt who persuaded me to take my flu vaccination to protect myself on a very minimal basis. The piggies have been working so hard that our scientists are still working in their pantries to figure out a piggy vaccination.

My dear students, please remember to bring your thermometers (ODT) to school every single day as mass temperature exercises may be carried out anytime during such a high-alert period. Moreover, a formal temperature taking exercise would be carried out on coming Monday, 4 April 2009, during reading period.

When cute lil' pigs turn Nasty

I understand that some of you are not aware of how deadly this virus is, thus you may still be fooling around and not taking this matter seriously. Go read it up. Google it. Then you will be surprised at the severity of the situation now!

Meanwhile, take care of yourself and make sure you down loads of fluids. The weather is suffering terrible mood swings of late. One moment it's sweltering hot, the next moment torrential downpours take us by surprise. If you do fall sick, please see the doctor and don't come to school! It's a very sensitive period... We don't wanna cause too much anxiety, right?

Let's pray hard that the situation doesn't get any worse... ...


Tonight, I shall declare it as No Marking Night!

Thus I will indulge in multiple entries and random ramblings! (: Oh, and probably some senseless tagging... :P

Tomorrow's Labour Day and ironically, we gotta labour on labour day. You guys gotta see how much marking teachers bring home today.

"Mark Mark Mark" shall be our Motto.

For you guys, "Mug Mug Mug" shall be it for the meantime...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009





希望同学们都快马加鞭,在这几天努力学习,在考试获取好成绩,那你们有望参与 Achievers' Tea 而不是 Panel Meeting!

MYE is fast approaching!

I have been doing revisions with all of you, on the format of informal letter writing, points to note when writing essays and comprehension techniques. Also, we've been doing filing and I'm glad to note that some students are very vigilant and conscientious in their work. I especially thank 2-2 for cooperating very well with me to have brought all your files. However, please remember to bring the notes tomorrow so we can file them in accordingly. As for those who haven't prepared your files, please do so asap so as to prepare for the annual file check.

I hope all of you buck up and do well for the MYE so you would be attending the Achievers' Tea instead of the Panel Meeting! All the best!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Laughter's the best medicine

Yesterday, I was walking down the stairs while J was making his way up. We exchanged greetings and he commented, "Pretty in pink uh?"

I looked up and went, "Ah?"

He left a sheepish grin and said, "Nah."

Well, I heard clearly what he had previously said and so I replied,

"I heard that..."

*both of us laughed*

"I like that!"

*both of us laughed harder*

A very short conversation, but laughter aplenty.

I love moments like this. Simple and yet so refreshing.


Friday, April 24, 2009

About Love 爱






To Kelvin: Hi dude, how're you and her now? I hope things are better... That day when I saw you with your friends, my comment "Congrats" wasn't meant to be an insult. I meant "Not again"... Things happen for a reason. Find the reason. Fix it. May things work out... (:

To Andy (Lau): Hi Crapper, I'm really happy to hear about you and my penguin. Take good care of my penguin or I will kick you. Keep her happy, keep her safe. Feed her raisins too. 我,真的看好你们。

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Long Time No See 好久不见




It's been a long time since I even came to my site...

HIIII to Kevin (yay, this is one big fan! haha...), Caifang, Yingyi and Jackson!! Gotta say hi to you guys coz i don't get to see you often!! As for my other students, aiya, laoshi will see you 3-4 times a week, so no need to specify name right? :P

Thanks for dropping by now and then to keep the conversation going.

Anyway, I really had been terribly busy.

First there was SYF, which took up many weeks of my time in seeing to administrative matters, making props... Thankfully, we came back with a Bronze award, well, it's not bad for a first-timer in SYF! Congrats!

In the midst of it all, we had our chinese common tests...

Then there was Flag day where I joined three 3-3 girls on a really fun journey!

After which I administered essay tests (mock exam) and now I will have to mark until I drop!

And also in the midst of these all, I attended a concert - the Lee brothers along with Show, Jolin, Daniel, Jam etc... Not too bad gig, at least I get to see Luo Zhi Xiang and Xiao Jing Teng... Oh and Chen Xiao Dong... Haha, that made me quite happy... Tee Hee Hee... I also attended the musical "If There're Seasons". Simply mesmorizing. Any of you watched 天冷就回来? I think it's a GREAT performance So, I AM GOING TO WATCH A 2ND TIME!!





Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Besta All Pass-1







Besta All Pass-1 原价$49.90。但是,星期四 9/4/09介于0930与1400(时间可能延长,但为了安全起见,请同学们在休息时购买电子词典!),在学校食堂,Besta公司将以特别价$32.90售卖这台电子词典!




你们也可以到 去看看!

Dear students,
It's yelaoshi advertisement time!

*Nope, I'm not getting any commissions for this!!*
Do you find yourself using the wrong chinese characters all the time?
Do you think the conventional dictionary too bulky and heavy?
Do you wish to learn new chinese characters on the go?

However, do you feel that the electronic dictionaries are rather

There's a chance now!

Besta All Pass-1 is an electronic dictionary approved by MOE to be used during the examinations (Paper I). The original price is $49.90, this Thursday, 9/4/09, between 0930 and 1400 (time may be extended, but to avoid disappointment, please get your dictionaries during recess time), Besta would be selling All Pass-1 at our school canteen at a special price of $32.90. That's a savings of $17!

Grab the chance! I feel that you can use the electronic dictionary in class and during exams, it's not a bad idea to invest in one now!

So students, please let your parents know if you think you need one and bring sufficient money on Thursday.
Now, let's take a good look at the photographs of the dictionary...

First up, in Silver - Classic look...

In baby blue...

& my personal favourite, in baby Pink!!

You see, your electronic dictionary can get as bubblegum cute as you want it to be!


Find me for more information (I've the ad in paper form... along with several other models on a great discount!) or visit the website for specifications!

Learning is Fun!



-.-"" 疯了啊!上课不上课,一直过来找朋友!

但是,我还真的很想念3-3的同学... ...


Today, I was having relief class at 3-4 and students from 3-3 were all over the place throughout the 1 hour.

What a crazy bunch... It's not appropriate to be running out of class all the time! Hai...

Oh well, but I really do miss my 3-3 peeps.


Friday, April 3, 2009


Yesterday, I saw two students whose hands were bandaged til they appear like Doraemon's... Hehe...




Well, of course not as round as Doraemon's hand but once I saw the injured hands, I can't help but ask,

"Whacked people uh?"

I know I'm kinda terrible, I don't send consolations first yet I made such assumptions. C'mon, it's not difficult to associate injuries with fights right?


Kevin是我在回家的途中遇到的,伤势显然比Edwin的严重(& “新鲜”!),还有些许血迹在指头上。




I can't remember what Edwin said, but it's definitely not fighting and his friends found his reason of getting injured pretty funny too.

I met Kevin on my way home and very obviously, his injury was far more serious than Edwin's and blood stains are still visible on his fingers. Upon questioning, I derive that the reason behind the injury was "impulsive".

Sigh. Take care of yourself, treasure yourself! I'm sure there are many people around you who care for you! 


A gift for our impulsive Kevin:


Haha... How's this?

*The last I saw of Kevin, his left eye was swollen as well... =.=" One injured left hand, one injured left eye. Don't hurt your right hand too or you'll REALLY look like Doraemon!*

Oh, and please please please take care of your hand or your injury will get infected! No point being a blind + handicapped hero right? :D

Wednesday, April 1, 2009













同学们,如果你们有故事想分享,可以点击‘comments’,留下信息,或直接到 去写故事。









I don't even know what to put as a title.

I'm just kind of tired and not in the mood to do anything.

So here you go.

A very nonsensical post with nothing substantial.

I really should get down to marking my four classes of zuo wen and ying yong wens.
