Sunday, June 14, 2009

拜六礼拜 打得很HIGH!

是不是联想到: 拜六礼拜 会不会开?




偏题了,总之,这场Aviva羽毛球赛事的确有看头!当然,也有不错看的男羽球好手!^_^ 27岁的泰国选手Boonsak Ponsana,挺不赖的。虽然最终得了第二名,但我很欣赏他的运动员精神,不论胜败,总是笑脸宜人。



And so my weekend was spent at home staring at the TV, watching Aviva Badminton Championship.

For the lack of time and mainly due to my own laziness, I hardly get to play sports on working days (on top of being quite a sports idiot). Well, I don't know much about sports, but I do know that I don't mind badminton, swimming and running. Oh, and how about Wii Sports? Hehe...

I had a pleasant time watching the men and women fighting for their places with zest and zeal. Of course, even more so when there's an eye candy in the crowd. 27 year-old Thai player, Boonsak Ponsana is the sportsman who caught my eye. (laughs) I think, it's more than his boyish charm and spectacular moves that make me go weak on my knees. I love how he keeps his smile going even when he's on a losing streak. Sportsmanship to the max, I say.

This applies to studying too. Like playing sports, you reap what you sow when studying. And sometimes, even if you may have put in your best, you still may not get your desired results. This is when you got to pick yourself up, smile and keep going. Yea?

So, how was your weekend?

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