Thursday, January 7, 2010

i must post something

I am compelling myself to type something here.

The last time I posted was... Last October. LOL.

The lazy bug has been biting and still biting. Tell me truthfully, you don't want to come back to school too right? You wish it's still the holidays, don't you?

I am thinking the same way too.

*pulls hair in agony*

I am still not used to SCHOOL life. :(

Still, it's time to get back to reality. Hi to my 1-4, now 2-4 family, along with new family members, no less. (: Let's have a smashin' time this year!!

Meanwhile, do remember to start doing your homework and get hold of all your books + files and what nots, if you haven't gotten them!!

P/S: How were your holidays? I realised that I did not find out about your holidays this time round!! Tee Hee~~~


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