Saturday, February 6, 2010

I need a friend

This entry shouldn't exist here.

Or it shouldn't even exist.

It's 2.03am.

I Should be a role model and be good. Sleep early. Wake early. Think positively.

Wham! I'm beating the crap out of myself for God-knows-what reason now.

My ex-WWSS students used to tell me, "You are spending too much time with us."

It's a cycle, a rather vicious one. I've a social circle too small, so I spend much time with you guys. And because I spend much time with you guys, my social circle remains so small.

Somehow, people are disappearing from my life.

The only one I have been talking to has vanished into thin air of late.




No time to react. No chance to ask why.

I'm not asking for too much.

I need a real friend.

A real human that I can touch, can feel, can call out to, can share things with, can crack stupid jokes to, can spend nights talking about silly things together.

Dear Fairy Godmother, if you are there, please grant me a friend.

P/S: Birthdays make one me very emo. Lonely birthdays make one me superbly emo.

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