Sunday, March 22, 2009



Yesterday, after meeting up with my friends at MOF, I was walking home from the shopping centre. Just then, I heard a familiar voice shouting out to me, "lao shi!" I turned back and saw Kevin. I love this sort of impromptu meetings!


Of course, there are reasons for my joy.



Well, for one, let's talk about the impression Kevin left me. The first impression he gave me when during our lesson in the library. We were left stranded outside the class as it was locked and I had no other choice but to send them to the library where we chatted and shared stuff. Then I requested that they elect a male and female Chinese rep and the class started to push the responsibility to one another. Kevin volunteered upon seeing this situation, which surprised me pleasantly.

The reps didn't get much work to do coz I was often the one running errands. So Kevin didn't get to do his job as suggested. Anyhow, in class, he's often seen in the corner, doing his own things, not disturbing anyone, basically, very harmless and cool. As such, I am quite surprised that such a bo-chup and cool guy would take the first step to say 'hi'.



Next, I have to say, I came into teaching not because I love the job, but because I enjoy the interaction with teenagers. Sometimes things these teens say can make me laugh in amazement, cringe in detest or melt with compassion. As such, I'm happy to be able to interact with you guys even outside the classroom when you're no longer in your school uniform and I'm not your classroom teacher. At least, I'm not forgotten! Feels good ya?


So, next time when you see me, remember to say 'hi'! (:

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