Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Replies to Tags and a Kind Reminder...

1-3 peeps: Hey all, hi everyone... I know you guys have a fun time playing here... so I don't wish to reply to everyone (and you guys are more like msn-ing each other here...). GAH.

Jiong Teck: Hello! (: It was your tag right? How's everything? I've added you on my msn too. (: But you know larh, I'm hardly online! Hehe...

Kevin: Hi Kevin... Sorry for the super late reply... Hm... Because of the same matters that you mentioned to me before? Hai... Don't have bad mood due to those matters... I assure you, things will be better if you control your temper a bit de. You're a great person, tell yourself that! Don't let anything disrupt your chance to learn ok? Jia you... Anything, drop me a message again! (:

Jazlyn: Hey dear, yup I'm at RSS. I don't teach Sec 4 but which class is your cousin in?

Sally: Don't so xiao qi la... Lao shi bao bao~~ Sayang~~~ ^_^

A kind reminder to all... I know my Sec 1-3 is very playful... But I hope not to get any more silly remarks on the topic again (you guys know what topic). For one, I can track all your IP addresses. So I am aware that some people are pretending to be your friends to bad mouth them. This is not acceptable. We are one class. We should be protecting each other and not tarnishing each other's reputations. Ok? 1-3, let's work together! We can have fun here but don't go overboard. Laoshi will be upset... :(

And please look at the post below. It's regarding March holiday homework!

If anyone has problems regarding March Holiday Homework, please do not hesitate to leave a message here. I will get back to you asap. Thank you!

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