Saturday, March 7, 2009

Replies to Tags

Andy: Yea... Ask belle belle, pam, belle and i have been to eat that. We sure had a good laugh over that dish... ^_^

Wanni: Stressful eh? Wait til you go to Sec4 larh!! Even worse!

Joyree: :X So fierce... I will when I have the energy to... I'm a very lazy person at home... :D

Wanying: That's fast! Hello girl... (:

Travis aka WeilunS.: K, I will listen to you and Kevin. Both my Weiluns are asking for the English version of the Camp... OKAY... Stay tuned! & Heehee, must try to love your new cher... and any cher who teaches you!!

Nankai: Heyo, I suppose you came because you saw it on msn right... :D

Jazlyn: Hello... Another 2F'07 friend... Must work hard for O levels this year ya?

Shirlyn: Ni Hao! Huan Ying Guang Ling!!

Jane: Yea, VERY fun... I had a great time there! But tiring sia... :D

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