Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March Holiday Homework

This is a VERY late post... I've been experiencing much problems with blogger, prompting me to clear my cache, delete my cookies and all. I hate FireFox 3. First it eats up half my bookmarks, now it disables my google account. 

So I have to use Safari to sign in and remind EVERYONE to Start doing homework if you haven't....

I hope by now, most of you have done your homework as assigned by me. If not / if you want to see if you've finished everything... here's the list:

1-3: a) E Blaze 
b) One book review 
c) *Optional* You may give me an additional chinese journal when school reopens regarding interesting events over the holidays... And 
d) You may also prepare for the ying yong wen that I will give you guys when school reopens. That would be on the Sec 1 cohort camp... Don't lose the copy of newspaper that I gave out earlier on because there's one essay on Lu Ying Ji written by a Nanyang Primary student.

1-4: a) E Blaze 
b) One book review
c) *Optional* You may give me an additional chinese journal when school reopens regarding your holidays or more about yourself as I've yet to know most of you.

2-2: a) E Blaze
b) One book review
c) *Optional* You may give me an additional chinese journal when school reopens regarding your March holidays. Many of you have not been dutifully handing up your journals.
d) You may prepare your ying yong wen on Sec 2 adventure camp. Don't lose the newspaper I've given out earlier on because there's an essay on Lu Ying Ji.

2-7: a) E Blaze
b) One book review
c) *Optional* As per other classes, you guys can write me a chinese journal on any topic you may like.
d) You may prepare your ying yong wen resources based on your Sec 2 adventure camp too. 

Heh and hi 3-3... though I'm not teaching you guys anymore... I hope you have been doing your homework!! (: I miss you guys~

Most of you may realise that your homework would be more or less the same. Yes darlings, they will be the same so worry not. Even so, Everyone should be doing their own piece of work w/o plagiarizing. Anyone caught copying from your friend would be penalised heavily - both the one who copied and the one who let your friend copy.

I'll be checking E Blaze soon and releasing the names of those who have not completed it. So if you don't want to become too 'popular', please complete your work SOON!

Thank you everyone!

And may all of you have a wonderful holiday!

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