Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hi to RSS & WWSS peeps


原来越来越多人来“参观” / “作客”咯!

Hi to my ex students from WWSS! All of you ROCK!

And also to those in RSS. Heh... Soon, all of you will dread coming here, coz I'll start posting homework details and chase more of you for work here... Wahaha...

以前也想set up部落格来让学生说话+看看。但是总是没有这么做。现在终于达成任务!

明天再来write entry,今天刚从露营回家,超级累的!

Thursday (ie tomorrow) gotta give out test papers and check marks. I hope everyone comes to school... But I'm seriously afraid that many people would fall sick after the camp!!

*prays hard*

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