Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Replies to Tags~ & a small update

Dickson: ERM, I believe it's not the REAL Dickson posting that. I'm sorry to tell you that I can't help. o.0 And girls like boys with a big heart, honest and not childish, pretending to be someone else on the tagboard.

Nankai: Heh, zhi dao jiu hao! Sec 4 le, must be very busy right? Next time ask Zhi Neng and guys out, we go makan... :D

Ji An: I realised you're not in class, so you're really sick... Take care ya? I've passed your ying yong wen homework to Niknoi. (:

Erica: Yo yo yo... Erica's been a really good girl, I'm really happy for you! ^_^

KEVIN (again): Eeyur, just a little late mah, so xiao qi... Cannot be lidat to girls one, girls prefer to be pampered. haha... Laoshi is VERY busy lately... I'll elaborate below...

Ji Shun (again): KS!!! didn't expect your tag anyway. HEE, me miss you! Sorry, you alwiz can't catch me on MSN, either I'm away / doing something... Hm, why don't we catch a movie this friday or something?

Well Well Well... I've been busy, as stated above...

What have I been busy with? Apart from the usual lesson preparations, marking of heaps of homework, I gotta set papers for the Mid Year Exams. (OH, FYI, the Chinese paper would be on 5 May 2009! Everyone take note!!) Also, I'm busy with some other school stuff, like preparing the Sec2 CIP stuff... So Sec 2 people, you'll get to embark on a CIP learning journey with your class very very soon!!

Yeah, so yelaoshi is BUSSSSY.

*super bad headache now* :( I hope it would go away...


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